Since the beginning of time, human race has sought comfort, security and clean environment, to live and to have a place that can be called Home. Over the years, we have changed our way of life, upgraded when needed and added style to all this. We understand that homes are not built everyday and we are savvy of challenges that are faced by homemakers in today’s day and age.This is what we aim to deliver, to make your dream home become a reality. A place that is safe enough to live, pleasant enough to cherish and clean enough to breath easy. Better environment makes a better society and a better society will build a better nation.
We wish to provide you not only your dream environment and a range of products that may be economical and save your money, but also properties that can add value for you with every passing day. Our doors are open and a cup of tea is ready. Come and visit us and we will help build your dream.
Aftab Ashraf

Discover more at ACE Shopping Park You’ll find something for everyone at our stores.

Food & Drink
Relax and refuel Stop for some food or drink in one of our cafés and restaurants.